The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens. It declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all the children of the nation equally and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.

Then you could think of it as a man asking a woman for help. She's the Government. Distracted. She's possibly a Ghost like these winged Victories with bullets in their breasts. Invincible. But they don't seem to care.

Around 5 pm in one of the busiest parts of the city and nobody. Thankfully the only sound was the sound of those Gulls screaming at each other about their impending doom, elsewhere every screen available, flickered.

I’m beginning to notice the way the wood in the windows has come together beautifully. How simple the work was made to look subdued. The sun comes in and out when it feels, and it is extremely quiet outside except for joggers, those who cannot find a home, the odd wheelchair. Meanwhile, she’s rumbling in the bed, not knowing the day.

What caught me was the shadow of us, The way we don’t react, sleep it out, try sleeping out with 3 degree weather and no family or community support.

The city would hurt sometimes, those waiting at the edge on a car or a bus, notice you looking, staring and wonder what you wanted, and all that was needed was a word of comfort.
The full walk of the Quays on both sides of the river takes about 80 minutes if you’ve pushed yourself. I try to push. I try to catch the Heron bird feeding on low tide fish. She’s from Dublin Zoo, she told me.

Most nights now, I hear from friends who also find it difficult to sleep at this time, also seem to be having the most lucid dreams. Nothing but restlessness in an over rested mind. Get up and get a glass of water, always been told to drink more water. Suddenly I’m aware of a sound that resembles fire crackling, no, just a flickering flame and in the corner of my eye, it is indeed a flame. I walk gently to the centre of the sitting room, and there it is, just hovering.